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تحيات الادارة/يا اهل العرب

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يا اهل العرب والطرب
مرحبا بك ايها الزائر الكريم
مرحبًا بك ما خطّته الأقلام من حروف
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مرحبا ممزوجة .. بعطر الورد .. ورائحة البخور
مرحبا بك بين إخوانك وأخواتك
منورين المنتدى بوجودكم ايها اعضاء وزوارنا الكرام
تحيات الادارة/يا اهل العرب
يا اهل العرب والطرب
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اسلامي ثقافي رياضي فن افلام صور اغاني

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المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

1المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان Empty المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان الثلاثاء أكتوبر 08, 2013 9:04 pm


مدير الموقع

المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان Luxor-temple
Luxor Temple, a large temple of the ancient Egyptian temples complex is located on the east bank of the River Nile in Luxor today known as the (ancient Thebes). Founded in 1400 BC.
Luxor Temple was built for the worship of Amun-Re, his wife Mut and their son Khonsu; They lords, also called the Trinity title Tibi (Theban Triad). Luxor Temple was built during the reign of the kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty, and the Nineteenth Dynasty. The most important existing buildings in the temple are those built by the kings of Amenhotep III (1397-1360 BC. M.) And Ramses II
Karnak Temple
المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان Egypt-Luxor-Karnak-Temple
Karnak Temple of Luxor in Egypt signs deals where each successive king of kings trying to make the most magnificent temple. Characterized by his predecessor so Karnak temples turned into a complete guide and a variety show stages of the evolution of ancient Egyptian art and architecture Pharaonic distinctive
Featuring the Great Temple of Karnak Sound and Light offers charming, which is held every evening
Hatshepsut (Eldeir-Elbahari
المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان Temple-of-hatshepsut
EldeirElBahari is a collection of Pharaonic temples and tombs in the West Bank of the Nile opposite the city of Luxor, Egypt
Built the monastery of Queen Hatshepsut to lead the rituals that were useful in the other world Deir el-Bahari The name is the name of a modern Arabic launched in this region in the seventh century after Use It the Copts Temple for them. The temple consists of three mounting strips divided by UP.
The Vally of The kings and queens
المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان Valley-of-kings_24746_600x450
the Valley of Kings and is also known as the “Valley of Pipan Kings”, [1] is a valley in Egypt used over 500 years during the period between the sixteenth and atheist century BC to the construction of tombs for the Pharaohs and nobles of the modern state extended through the eras of dynastic eighth century until the Twentieth Dynasty in Egypt old and is located valley on the West Bank of the Nile River in the face of Thebes (Luxor now) heart of a good funeral old. and it was divided
into two vallies Valley East (where there are most of the royal tombs) and the valley west.
Colossi of Memnon
المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان Photo-Colossi-of-Memnon-1
We’ll talk about the most important effects of Luxor to huge statues who oversee twenty meters altitude on Mat Green Sandsy. These statues stand Almnazlan amid the vast space of two witnesses on the place of the huge temple, which was built by King Amenhotep III, as were those in charge at the entrance to the first edifice. This temple has disappeared completely, leaving nothing but a plate of sandstone lying behind the statues have been restored recently, and parts of different elements have been discovered some of the statues of King Amenhotep III. Of King Amenhotep III held a two statues at the entrance to the funerary temple, when he was the first century BC, which after about 1,300 years hosted cracked some of their parts, occurred Baloasr including some cracks. It was if over the morning air in those cracks saturated with dew heard him Lazer and whistling prompting Bmarkhy Greece who visited Egypt in the first century BC that the claim that the statue is sung with the sunrise and write this strange phenomenon in writing to stalk the statue and its base and Ketbo poems in Greek for humiliatio
City and Temple of Habu
المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان Habu-temple
Thecity of Habu archaeological area south of Thebes cemetery on the West Bank of the Nile River, the most important effects Temple of Ramses III Ganazy it concedered greatest Pharaonic temples of the family of 20. temple is connecting to Palace where King Ramses set up time of religious ceremonies. Walls temple decorated the to King Ramses Military activities and his wars against the peoples of the sea in particular. And drawings of the celebrations of the festivals of the gods. City Habu contains the violin Amun Temple and the Temple of ay Horimhab
Philae temples
المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان 800px-ArriveeAuTempleDePhilae
Temples constructed “Philae” was originally to the worship of the goddess “Isis” In all the centuries, Philae gained a special place in worship to the extent that a crowd of followers that worship were meeting to revival of the story of the death and sent Osiris. The great temple was built during the third century BC, was followed by the Amenhotep and Erssanovas the temples. The temple of Hathor is longer last impact patolomi and its construction was completed before the year 116 BC by the second Aiorgits. Others have added Btalma the inscriptions to the Philae, which is considered one of the masterpieces of the temple. It is Egypt gods Isis cult spread to Greece and Rome and in various parts of the empire
The factor of the Alabaster
this factory has much of luxury sculptures and engravings, which are made by factory workers into their own hands
Unfinished Obelisk
المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان 564544_573146632703171_1563973467_n
Is an obelisk huge is not cut and has a length of about 41 meters and the length of rib base about 4 meters high and weighs 117 tons and is due importance clarification methods cut obelisks old also illustrate the extent of the effort and the means by which it was used by the ancient Egyptians in order to carve these obelisks
Aswan Dam
المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان Aswan-high-dam-as-a-power-generation-and-agricultural-irrigation
High Dam
المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان New-kalabsha
Aswan Dam or High Dam is a water dam on the Nile River in southern Egypt, was established in the era of Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Soviets helped build greatly helped in controlling the flow of water and mitigate the effects of flooding of the Nile. Is used to generate electricity in Egypt
Abu simbel
المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان Today+the+sun+passes+in+the+temple+of+Abu+Simbel
Abu Simbel is an archaeological site comprising two massive rock temple in southern Egypt on the western bank of Lake Nasser about 290 km southwest of Aswan.It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the “Monuments of Nubia,” [1], which starts from the direction of the flow of the river from Abu Simbel to Philae (near Aswan)
Sound and light in Abu Simbel
المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان Abu-simbel
Increases the temple of Abu Simbel wonderful magic during the night when you turn the sound and light show, with its features stunning lighting for the interface and a musical and historical account. Take you artists wholike the the date of this place thousands of years back to illustrate how the rule of Ramses Egypt’s bigg
Botinical Garden
is located Botanical Garden on an island in middle of the Nile in front of the city of Aswan on the east Elephantine Island, which includes museum traces Aswan and orientation of the West the West Bank of the Nile, which topped Dome of the Abu al-Hawa and tombs nobles As the Botanical Garden includes a rare collection of tropical plants and semi-dating outstanding and character aestheticSpecial to being one of the largest and most beautiful islands of the Nile make it important tourist attractions in
المعالم الاثرية فى الاقصر واسوان Nile%20River,%20Aswan,%20Egypt


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

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