يا اهل العرب والطرب
مرحبا بك ايها الزائر الكريم
مرحبًا بك ما خطّته الأقلام من حروف
مرحبًا عدد ما أزهر بالأرض زهور
مرحبا ممزوجة .. بعطر الورد .. ورائحة البخور
مرحبا بك بين إخوانك وأخواتك
منورين المنتدى بوجودكم ايها اعضاء وزوارنا الكرام
تحيات الادارة/يا اهل العرب

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

يا اهل العرب والطرب
مرحبا بك ايها الزائر الكريم
مرحبًا بك ما خطّته الأقلام من حروف
مرحبًا عدد ما أزهر بالأرض زهور
مرحبا ممزوجة .. بعطر الورد .. ورائحة البخور
مرحبا بك بين إخوانك وأخواتك
منورين المنتدى بوجودكم ايها اعضاء وزوارنا الكرام
تحيات الادارة/يا اهل العرب
يا اهل العرب والطرب
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اسلامي ثقافي رياضي فن افلام صور اغاني

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم, أنت لم تقم بتسجيل الدخول بعد! يشرفنا أن تقوم بالدخول أو التسجيل إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى

قصص وحكايات للآطفال , عربى وانجليزى

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

1new قصص وحكايات للآطفال , عربى وانجليزى الخميس أكتوبر 05, 2017 3:03 pm


مدير الموقع

قصص وحكايات للآطفال , عربى وانجليزى Story-214
قصص وحكايات للآطفال , عربى وانجليزى

[ltr]Don't tell anyone this but I'm a fairy. Nobody knows you see because I never transform around other people. My name is Pixie and I am a green fairy. You see in the fairy tribe I come from they have three different types of fairies: the purple fairy, the green fairy and the yellow fairy. The purple fairies are the queen fairies the fairies that live inside the Queen Fairies castle. The green fairies are just normal fairies and the yellow fairies are people such as nurse fairies etc...قصص وحكايات للآطفال , عربى وانجليزى 343[/ltr]
[ltr]I am glad I am a green fairy because I get to do whatever I like and I have a really nice fairy house inside a giant mushroom. I usually transform at night when nobody is around. I started transforming into a fairy one day when I was about 9 and I think it was because I ate this crab apple and you're not supposed to eat them! I am 11 now so that was 2 years ago. Now that I'm a fairy it gives me the ability to fly around which is great because at night I go to all my friends’ houses and check that they are okay.[/ltr]
[ltr]Sometimes if they are having trouble getting to sleep or they are feeling ill or anything I use my magic to help them. The house I go to most often is Amie's house because she's my best friend.[/ltr]
[ltr]There are three different types of magic: the healing magic (that helps people), the touchstone magic (that makes things appear and disappear) and come along magic (that brings you anything you want.قصص وحكايات للآطفال , عربى وانجليزى 344[/ltr]
[ltr]This is my friend Ee-oor he is a little pocket dragon not like his cousins who are Wedge dragons (this means they are big and purple!) or like his other cousins who are minute dragons (this means they are almost invisible!)[/ltr]
[ltr]Anyway I just thought you might like to know a few things about what it is like to be a fairy.[/ltr]

Adventure in the Sea of fish eyes
Adventure fish in the Sea of eyes Said that the big fish and daughter, was playing in a calm blue sea, I saw three ships sailing in the run.
 The big fish: they are human beings. Small fish shouted passionately: Whitney to know where are they going! - On a journey of exploration risk. -- How I wish that such a trip!. I want to know the other bays and seas. -- Perhaps one day, not now, my dear. You are still a small risk of exploration. -- I'm not aa small as you think my mother. -- When my daughter any more largest, will be at the disposal of the entire world. And then discovered it as he pleases. Whiner said: How can there be, and I did not find anyone help me so far, at least, to get the act of play and fun!. Understanding of cancer, heard talk of small fish, are: What is the thing that we heard him Whiner? Bangkok does not take enough fun Entertainers? In your opinion, a mistake of this?. - I do not know. I want to do an exploratory trip, and my mother says I am still small, and to wait until more. Gull participated in the modern bird, and said: also on the right. - I see you standing in front of you are also my desire, nor help me. -- Lest you have lost your way best, and we do not want you to do so. The fish were small protest: Fadel will not take up my way. Why do not you see that I am big enough to do adventurism I want? It is, however, felt by anyone, Winslow outside the Gulf toward the unknown, glimpsed one of those ships sailing, which saw her mother was before. Rosary quickly as they can to reach it, but that their ability to Was much less than you think. Got its ship! I shouted with all its strength. He heard one of the sailors appeal, and in moments of the ship disappeared behind the horizon. Small fish felt tired and disappointed, so I decided to return to her homeland. But they had lost, not knowing how to reach Gulf, which embraces her family and friends, all around the strange and unfamiliar. While the swim confuses concern, encountered ring, I asked him: Do you know where the road to my home? Octopus shaking his body, and the extension of men in all directions, And ignored the question. Faster towards some shellfish are asleep, and ask them: We have lost the way to my house, you can help me to find?. And also did not receive an answer, to Oslo Qandil Sea: I wish us to the path Brings me to my house? Also have not received an answer of small fish, did not find it helps to arrive at their home, it is easier for everyone, not indifferent to their plight. - What do I do now, and what is fateful? Was my mother and my friends are right when they said I am a small adventure to undertake alone. Suddenly, she noted that the fish that swim around quickly enormous. Before we ask what is going on here, it has fallen considerably. Poetry Biskun water and Prodi, and learned that the shark is coming, and fish fled for fear of it. Tried shark, the need for small fish, and swallowed up. But that the insect was able to itself between rocks minutes, it was difficult for the large size of entry. When felt the demise of the threat emerging from the reservoir, it is not heeded and that all its strength behind rosary away, and found themselves in their home. In Indeed, do not know how I arrived, but knows it will not return to the adventure of a new age in this small. So she said to her mother and friends, who have welcomed them and they rejoice greatly safe return to the embrace of the Gulf



مدير الموقع

[rtl]سناء محيدلي[/rtl]
[rtl]قصص وحكايات للآطفال , عربى وانجليزى 172حملت سناء صرة من الملابس, و خرجت مع أهلها وابيها و أختها الصغرى من بيتهم في مدينة صيد ا في جنوب لبنان هاربين الى بيروت, فلقد دخلت مدينتهم قوات الإحتلال الإسرائيلي.....[/rtl]
[rtl]لم يكن عمر سناء يمها يتخاوز الخمسة عشر عاما..تركت مدرستها و صاحباتها, و هربت مع اهلها من وجه الغزاة الذين دخلوا مدينتها و اخذوا يهدمون البيوت و المدارس و يقتلون الرجال و النساء ....[/rtl]
[rtl]انتقلت سناء إلى بيروت, و هي حزينة لترك بيتها .. و لكنها هناك اصبحت أكثر حزنا, عندما فوجئت بأنها ستسكن هي و أهلها في غابة كلها أشجار. لم يكون هناك بيوت بجدران اسمنتية أو حجرية تأويهم..فهؤلاء الالاف من المهاجرين, من الجنوب قد افترشوا الغابات و المنتزهات ليسكنوا فيها.[/rtl]
[rtl]ووضع أهل سناء الشراشف و ألواح الخشب بين الأشجار كي يحددوا بيتهم بجدرانه القماشية الواهية الضعيفة.[/rtl]
[rtl]قصص وحكايات للآطفال , عربى وانجليزى 173و اكتظت الغابة بالماهجرين يهربون من قنابل و حرائق و رصاص قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي ..و سكنوا بيوتا من القماش و ألواح الخشب....و كانت سناء تجلس كل يوم تستمع للقادمين الجدد يروون ما يحصل لقراهم و بيوتهم و اهلهم من مآس على يد الجنود الإسرائيليين المحتلين.[/rtl]
[rtl]كان قلب سناء يمتلأ حزنا و ألما و هي تسمع و ترى ما يحصل لأبناء بلدها...فكانت تذهب كل يوم لرؤية الأخبار من جهاز تلفزيون في إحدى العمارات القريبة... و ترى البيوت تهدم و النساء يبكين و الرجال و الاطفال يقتلون فتعود الى بيتها و الألم يكاد يعتصر قلبها الصغير ..[/rtl]
[rtl]و في من الأيام ذهبت سناء لتسمع الأخبار كالمعتاد, و جلست بقربها فتاة عربية لم ترها من قبل  و لكن هذه الفتاة كانت ايضا تتحدث بشكل غريب و نفسية غريبة.[/rtl]


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