يا اهل العرب والطرب
مرحبا بك ايها الزائر الكريم
مرحبًا بك ما خطّته الأقلام من حروف
مرحبًا عدد ما أزهر بالأرض زهور
مرحبا ممزوجة .. بعطر الورد .. ورائحة البخور
مرحبا بك بين إخوانك وأخواتك
منورين المنتدى بوجودكم ايها اعضاء وزوارنا الكرام
تحيات الادارة/يا اهل العرب

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

يا اهل العرب والطرب
مرحبا بك ايها الزائر الكريم
مرحبًا بك ما خطّته الأقلام من حروف
مرحبًا عدد ما أزهر بالأرض زهور
مرحبا ممزوجة .. بعطر الورد .. ورائحة البخور
مرحبا بك بين إخوانك وأخواتك
منورين المنتدى بوجودكم ايها اعضاء وزوارنا الكرام
تحيات الادارة/يا اهل العرب
يا اهل العرب والطرب
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اسلامي ثقافي رياضي فن افلام صور اغاني

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم, أنت لم تقم بتسجيل الدخول بعد! يشرفنا أن تقوم بالدخول أو التسجيل إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى

أقوى مراجعات لن يخرج عنها امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية لطلاب الثانوية

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]


مدير الموقع

Quotations with Model Answers
1-”Are you ever going to do anything useful?”
1-Who said this? To whom?
Rose, to Rudolf Rassendyll.
2-What was the relation between these two persons?
Rose was Rudolf’s sister-in-law.
3-What did the speaker mean by “do anything useful”?
She meant that Rudolf should get a job instead of being idle.
2-”We’ve had quite a few important people visiting the city recently.”
1-Who said these words? To whom?
Bertram Bertrand, to Rudolf Rassendyll.
2-Which city was he referring to?
3-Whose name of those important people did the speaker mention?
He mentioned the name of Antoinette du Mauban.
3-”I met him at the embassy yesterday.”
1-Who said these words? To whom?
George Featherly, to Rudolf Rassendyll.
2-Who did the speaker meet at the embassy? What did he say about that person?
He met the Duke of Strelsau. He said that he was the half-brother of the King of Ruritania. He was his father’s favourite son. George thought the Duke wished he were the King.
3-What was the speaker’s job?
He worked at the English embassy in Paris.
4-”I wish he’d stay there in the forest. People say he only likes hunting and good food.”
1-Who said these words? To whom?
The old woman (The hotel owner), to Rudolf Rassendyll.
2-Why did the speaker not like the person she was talking about?
Because he was almost a stranger. He had been abroad for most of his life and not many people even knew what he looked like.
3-What else ما الشيئ الآخر did she wish that person to do?
She wished he would let the Duke become their King.
* C)Find the mistake in each of the following sentencesand correct it
1-Rassendyll read about the coronation in a magazine.
a newspaper
2-Rudolf Rassendyll was Robert’s cousin.
3-Rassendyll was good with a gun and strong tradesman.
4-Amelia urged ~ Rassendyll to do something useful.
5-Jacob Borrodaile was going to be an ambassador in seven weeks’ time.
6-Rassendyll would accept the job even if it is in a good embassy.
a terrible
7-Rassendyll had paintings of Amelia and her descendants on his walls.
8-Jacob knew the country where he was going to work.
didn’t know
9-Rassendyll told the family he was going walking in Ruritania.
the Alps.
10-Rassendyll would spend a night in London.
11-Rassendyll went to Ruritania by plane.
12-Rassendyll hoped to see Amelia in the train.
13-The border guards stared at Rassendyll and his card for some time.
14-The newspaper said the King’s coronation would be in four days’ time.
15- Antoinette de Mauban was taking the train from Paris to Zenda
16-The King was staying in a hunting lodge in the desert.
the forest.
17-Johann invited Rassendyll to stay at his brother’s house in Strelsau.
his sister’s
18- Rassendyll decided to have a walk in the- forest so that he might see the Duke.
the King .
19-The old hotel could only be reached by a drawbridge between it and the mansion.
The old castle
20-Rassendyll and the King looked like different twins.

أقوى مراجعات لن يخرج عنها امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية لطلاب الثانوية
[ltr]* Chapter (2): Quotations with Model Answers
* 1-”I hope you’re not angry.”
1-Who said this? To whom?
Rassendyll, to the King.
2-Why did the speaker think the other person could be angry?
Because the King met someone who looked exactly like him.
3- What did the addressed person say that the speaker couldn’t help doing?
He said that Rassendyll couldn’t help looking like him.
* 2-”I don’t think it would be a good idea for Mr Rassendyll to visit Strelsau now.”
1-Who said these words? To whom?
Fritz, to the King.
2-Why did the speaker think it wasn’t a good idea for Rassendyll to do so?
Because it wouldn’t be nice for the people to see a double of their King.
3-Why did the speaker have to change his opinion hours later?
Because the King was poisoned and if he wasn’t crowned that day, Michael would take the crown. So Rassendyll was asked to take the King’s place.
* 3-”The Duke said I was to give you this at the end of your meal.”
1-Who said these words? To whom?
Josef, the King’s servant, to the King.
2-What does the word “this” refer to?
Some cakes.
3-What was the reaction رد فعل of the addressed person then? Why?
He was very happy and praised his brother Duke Michael because the King liked good food.
* 4-”That wasn’t funny.”
1-Who said these words? To whom?
Rassendyll, to Colonel Sapt.
2-Why did the speaker say so?
Because he realised that Sapt had thrown water over him.
3-Did the other person intend to do something funny? Why / Why not?
No. He intended to wake Rassendyll up to see what happened to the King.
* 5-”Me? That’s impossible! People would realise that I’m not the King! And don’t forget that I’m English!”
1-Who said these words? To whom?
Rassendyll, to Colonel Sapt.
2-What did the speaker object to?
He objected to going to Strelsau to be crowned.
3-Why did the speaker change his opinion later on?
First, Fritz told him that his German was perfect. Second, he sympathized with the poor King who was lying on the floor and he felt he had no choice.
C)Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it
1-The King said it was not every day that you saw your couple.
2-fritz introduced Rassendyll to the King.
3-Rassendyll would go to Zenda to attend the coronation
4-Fritz and Sapt agreed to let Rassendyll attend the coronation.
5-Michael used the small house in the forest for cooking.
hunting •
6-The King ate most of the grapes sent by Michael.
7-Rudolf guessed that the King was imprisoned.
poisoned .
8-It was impossible for the King to attend the wedding.
coronation .
9-Rassendyll was woken up by throwing perfume over him.
10. The King thought that good sport is more important than sleep.
11- $apt suggested that Rasse~dyll should attend tlie coronation in place of the Duke
12-People would realize that Rassendyll was not the King as he was German.
13-Sapt said they had to leave for Zenda before Michaelis meh arrived.
14-Johann’s mother would tell Michaelis men the house was empty
15-Saptand Rassendyll would fetch the King during the day.
the night.
16-Johann’s sister heard them talking about their plans.
Johann’s mother
17-Fritz began to dress Rassendyll in some of the King’s clothes .
18-Johann’s mother was locked in the cellar with the Duke.
the King .
19-The Duke was waiting for the King at Strelsau train station.
The Marshal
20-The streets in the Old Town were wide and modern.
the New Town[/ltr]
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